Thursday 15 April 2010

Conquering Bathwick Hill

For those of you who have been following my blog since the beginning...I am proud to inform you that this evening, I successfully completed the 2 mile climb up Bathwick Hill!

Okay, so it's really not that huge of a feat, but it was something I needed to do before I leave. It was my intent to make a workout of the ordeal, and I think I succeeded. I made it from my room (at the bottom) to the Uni (at the top) in about 30 minutes. According to some friends here, it typically takes them about 45 minutes when they opt to walk up for class; granted, they are probably carrying books and most likely not in the hugest of hurries...but still, I was moving!

Here are a couple of shots going up the hill...these pictures do the 11% grade incline absolutely no justice!

The Uni sits at the top of the hill. In effort to extend my hike a little longer, I followed signs to the Bath Cats & Dogs home (where you can borrow dogs to take for a walk!) and the American Museum (which I will more than likely NOT be touring during my time in England).

The only disappointment in my escapade was that, due to a lot of trees at the top, there really wasn't a spot to get a good panoramic view of the city. I got a couple of pictures on the way back down, but they aren't spectacular due to 1) the impending sunset (although beautiful) and 2) a haze that seems to have fallen over the city (Icelandic volcano ash?).

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