Friday 2 April 2010

Happy Easter!

Just wanted to put up a quick post to wish you all a Happy Easter, as I will not have the opportunity to blog again until late next week. I am headed to France today!

I have been graciously invited by Bruno, a chap who was an exchange student with my mom's family back in the day, to spend the Easter weekend with his family. I'll be taking the commuter train from Bath to London Paddington, then taking the Tube to St. Pancras, then taking the Eurostar to Paris Gare du Nord, then taking a taxi to the family's apartment. There I will meet up with Bruno's wife, Marie-Caroline, and their children, and we will drive to their home somewhere in the country. Here's praying I make all of my connections and don't screw everything up for everybody!

We will be spending Saturday through Monday in the country, then I'll drive back to Paris with Marie-Caroline Monday evening. I'm planning to spend Tuesday and Wednesday exploring Paris and visiting all of the tourist traps before catching the Eurostar back to London on Wednesday evening. From there it is a bit sketchy, as the British railway workers are threatening to strike from 6th-9th April...that could be interesting!

I'm sure I will have lots of pictures and stories to share when I get back to Bath...until then, have a blessed weekend, keeping in mind the true reason for the celebration of Easter!

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