Sunday 25 April 2010

Nick is here!

This morning I got up early and caught the first train to London Paddington. About 15 minutes after I got there, I received the best present ever...Nick! He left Chicago last night and arrived at Heathrow Airport at about 8am London time (that's 3am Gaylord time!), then hopped on the Heathrow Express to meet me at Paddington. We had a cup of coffee at the station and then grabbed the next train back to Bath.

It is so good to have him here after 2 loooooong months apart! After we got his luggage back to my room and got him changed out of his "flying pants" we attended to the first order of business...lunch and a pint at a local pub :) We walked around Bath for a bit and I showed him some of the places where I've worked, as well as some of the more "famous" Bath sites. He's a pretty tired puppy, so we're back in for the evening. Full night's sleep tonight and he should hopefully be good to go tomorrow. Lots planned for the next few days!

Thanks to all who were praying for safe, volcano-free travels for Nick...we'll keep you updated on our adventures!

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