Thursday 4 March 2010


We've been given this entire week off to get settled and find our way around Bath, so I've done a lot of walking around downtown. It turns out the people who set up Bath didn't much believe in parallel streets, so it's a bit tricky, but I think we're getting the hang of it. I'll be posting pictures of the city in the next couple of days.

Our accommodations here are quite basic, but for the most part clean and comfortable. And very secure...I have to scan a card twice, and then use my key twice to get into my room! I have a decently-sized room with a bed, desk, and closet, and there is a toilet, shower room, and kitchen just outside my door that I share with the other three rooms in my "block". I have only met one of the residents, a girl from Canada, and I have only seen her once. I imagine I'll run into the others eventually, although we all seem to keep quite different schedules.

Here are some pictures of my room...

In effort to save a bit of money, we went to a local Sainsbury's and picked up some groceries to have in my room, especially for breakfast and snacks. It was interesting to see what items were the same and what items were...different.

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