Wednesday 17 March 2010

Roman Baths

We did the "audio" tour of the Roman Baths last weekend. That means I walked around the baths and the attached museum carrying a device frighteningly reminiscent of my first cell phone and which provided background information and explanations of most of the exhibits. It was actually quite nice, because I learned a lot and was able to take the tour at my own pace.

Although I am nowhere near the "history buff" that some of the men in my life might wish, I do find the architecture in these places absolutely fantastic, and the stories and traditions fascinating. If you're at all interested in the Roman Baths, I'd encourage you to check out their website: I especially like the "Walkthrough" has a lot of the history and some phenomenal pictures. Here are just a few of the pictures I took...

As part of the admission price, after the tour we had the "privilege" of visiting the fancy-schmancy Pump Room and "enjoying" a free sample of spa water. As you can perhaps imagine, the water is quite warm and tastes like minerals. Mmmmm. My face says it all...and Nathan's face says "I'm not even drinking it because I'm too busy laughing at Katie." To think they actually charge 50p for a glass if you didn't take the tour...

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