Sunday 28 March 2010

The Cinema

Nathan & I decided to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D last night. It was a last-minute decision after we finished dinner, and we got to the cinema just 15 minutes before the show was supposed to start. There was a sign at the entrance informing us that the 19:45 showing of Alice in Wonderland was sold out, but a handwritten note at the bottom of the sign indicated that seats were available in the front row only. Unlike the US, where you purchase a general ticket and can sit wherever you'd like, here they give reserved seats. However, the concept of charging a ridiculously high price for tickets to the cinema (especially 3D movies), justs because you can, appears to be universal. We decided to go for it and forked out 9.90 each...that's almost $15, for those of you who aren't as phenomenal at converting currency in your heads as I am! ;) Luckily, the movie was quite enjoyable...the front row seats in the theatre here are not nearly as close to the screen as they are in the States. Plus, I always get a little extra kick out of seeing a show close to where it is supposed to be set!

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous of your 3-D experience, how did you like the movie?
