Monday 1 March 2010

My First (and Last?) Blog

Hello friends! I have decided to take a giant leap outside of my comfort zone and maintain a blog of activities and thoughts during my time here in Bath. Many of you are aware that my written communication skills leave something to be desired...not that I can't write, just that I don't. So, I will put forth my best effort to keep this updated two or three times a week...but that is the most I can promise!

For those of you dying to keep in touch while I am gone...I will be checking my email compulsively (as usual) and will also be on Skype (katie.hinkle) whenever I am in my room.

Thanks for keeping up with me!

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is only the beginning!! You'll be a blogger for life!! I find myself thinking in "possible blog posts" as I go through my's a great way to communicate life with those who aren't near!! So glad you jumped on the bandwagon!!
