Monday 15 March 2010

Week 2 Highlights?

Not sure these stories all qualify as "highlights"...but they're definitely worth sharing!

#1 - Monday morning I make it to my first day of work plenty early...actually end up sitting outside the store for about 10 minutes with one of the technicians while we wait for the pharmacist to show. After work, it is a bit chilly so I opt to take the bus going away from town and ride for an extra 15 minutes, rather than stand out in the cold waiting for my bus. I get a tour of biggie. Tuesday morning, I bring a book to read on the bus on my ride to work. Apparently it was a very interesting chapter, because I completely miss my stop. Second tour of Whiteway...and I tell you, it's not worth a second visit if you don't live there. I end up 15 minutes late for work, and not only do I have to explain why, I have to try to convince the tech I closed with that I got on the wrong bus ON PURPOSE the night before. Think she believed me?

#2 - Tuesday night I go to bed around 11pm. Some time later, I awake to my alarm signalling time to get up. As per typical Katie fashion, I reach for the alarm to hit the "snooze" button...but it doesn't stop. In fact, it continues to get louder and louder, until I wake up and realize that it is actually the fire alarm. I slip on my slippers, grab my keys, and head out of the building along with the other residents. Still groggy, I am incredibly confused as to why it is still dark outside, until I look down at my phone and realize that it is 2am...lovely. We end up standing outside for about 20minutes waiting for the "fire brigade" to okay the building. Side note: someone in Nathan's flat left a pan of grease on the stove...smooth.

#3 - Thursday morning I am walking to the bus stop when I suddenly hear a commotion behind me. I turn to find a car stopped diagonally across the road, in front of a bus, with the front tire of the car on top of a bicycle. Fortunately, the cyclist appears to be okay; as I turn around, he stands up, takes his metal U-lock in his hand, and proceeds to smash the windshield of the car. The driver is frantically trying to back up off the bike, while the cyclist walks around the car and attempts to open the passenger side door. Noting several people in the area, I opt to turn and walk quickly to the bus station.

#4 - Friday night I convince Nathan to take the bus to a show at the Southdown Labour Club. The pharmacist I worked with all week is in a band, and one of the lead technicians sings. Not having the slightest idea of what to expect, we arrive and find the British version of the Elks, Eagles, or was fantastic. The band was decent, but the second act was phenomenal. This technician, who comes across as a little harsh and intense in conversation, has an absolutely spectacular voice. Best 3quid I've spent in a long time.

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