Sunday 7 March 2010

London Bridge is...

...not all that impressive. However, the rest of London is quite enjoyable! Nathan & I took a train from Bath Spa to London-Paddington and spent a day and a half wandering around the city, hitting all of the major tourist attractions and nearly wearing out our legs. I found the city of London to be quite interesting...a lot of fascinating history, but at the same time very modernized and bustling! We took a lot of pictures...I'm posting just a few for you here now!

First stop was Buckingham Palace, which was fun to see but also not all it's cracked up to be. The queen was not there (as evidenced by the Union Jack flying on top of the palace), and we missed the changing of the guards by 2 hours! We were also unable to get close enough to pester the can just barely see the little guy over my shoulder...

We met up with Nathan's Uncle Bob and took the Tube to Big Ben and Westminster Abbey. Unfortunately the Abbey was closed, so we couldn't go inside...but both are pretty amazing from the outside!

Uncle Bob treated us to a ferry ride down the River Thames from Westminster Bridge to Tower Bridge. When we got off the ferry and made the short hike to the London Tower, it too was closed (bugger!). We went back on Saturday for the tour, led by an entertaining Yeoman Warder (aka Beefeater) to hear a lot of English history, complete with all the beheadings one could imagine. Also got to see the Royal Jewels, which are absolutely fabulous...unfortunately no cameras were allowed in the vault where they are kept :(

The rest of the day Saturday was spent hauling around and working the Tube system to get to random tourist traps. We walked across the London Bridge and saw Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. We also visited Platform 9&3/4 at King's Cross so that Nathan could die return, I drug him all the way out to Abbey Road!


  1. I have that same picture by the Buckingham Palace in front of the gate... fun Katie! Looks like you're having a good time! Miss you!

  2. Pictures!! How fun!! Can't wait to read/see/hear more about the adventures of Katie in Bath!!
